THORYield v2.0 is here!

A fully revamped version of your favorite app to track everything DeFi and THORChain — now available for download on iOS App Store and Google Play Store.

THORSwap Finance
3 min readJul 15, 2022

We’re extremely excited to release our long-awaited THORYield’s App v2.0, this update includes a fully revamped version with a modern UI, many UX improvements and new features.

Head over to iOS App Store or Google Play Store to update today 👌

New Design and Features

THORYield v2.0 includes a full design revamp of the existing app, maintaining core features and introducing new functionality.

Read on to learn more:

Initial Setup and Onboarding

Initial Setup Process has been made easier and you can now also use THORNames to track your accounts (LPs, Staking + Wallet balances).

LP Positions UI has been fully revamped

LP Positions UI features a new design and structure, it’s now much easier to track your LPs on THORYield with a cleaner interface and more metrics.

In order to view your liquidity pools positions on THORYield, please first set up an account in Settings.

$THOR Staking UI

The $THOR Staking Rewards Tracker has been improved, now featuring token price and daily timeframe chart as well as Staking related Stats about your positions and token metrics.

You can now check the historical rewards distribution to vTHOR holders coming from THORSwap’s revenues by simply clicking the icon on the top right corner:

In order to view your staking position on THORYield, please set up an account in Settings first.

Portfolio Tracker

Our Portfolio Tracker page has undergone a design refresh and introduces new features. You can now view aggregated metrics and details on each specific token in a dedicated page with historical price charts.

This includes THORChain APR and Volume as long as the token has an active THORChain Liquidity Pool.

THORChain Learn

Want to catch up on everything THORChain on the go? We’ve built a dedicated section with news and learning material so that you can always stay up to date when a new educational updates and content on THORChain & THORSwap are released.

What’s next? 👀

We will continue to implement all the current features on the web version on mobile, including THORChain network metrics, LPs stats etc.

Also THORYield will be displaying more details regarding your LPs positions such as the ability to select a specific timeframe (e.g. D/W/M).

Thanks for reading this far — Head over to iOS App Store or Google Play Store to try THORYield v2 today 👌

About THORSwap

THORSwap is the leading decentralized exchange (DEX) powered by multi-chain THORChain. Perform cross-chain swaps in a permissionless, trustless, and non-custodial manner.

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The rewards programme and Metaverse home for THORChads, where the community can enjoy community projects like NFTs and games. will support new creative community projects with marketing, dev support, and more.

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